At the risk of tooting our own horn, I must disclose that a lot of time, work, effort and resources have already gone into thirty year reunion coming up this July. the reunion committee has met numerous times and individually they have all put forth a winning effort. We are all hoping for a big turnout.
Our class website at MHS80.com is up and everyday new 'Event and Activity' pages are being posted that enables everyone to select from a menu of activities and to pay in advance ensuring not only their reservations but that we (as a class) are able to pay for the venues and activities in full so that everyone is assured a memorable, fun and worthwhile reunion experience. Deposits and ongoing expenses have been paid out personal pockets and reimbursing those outlays will be possible as folks begin selecting and paying for their choices.
As always we invite, indeed, solicit your feedback and support.
Warriors! Come Out and Play!
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